
Deborah Daring Series Finale and Graphic Novel

Created by Vigilante Comix

The exciting conclusion to the 6-part Deborah Daring Detective series from Vigilante Comix. By Robbie Mack, Jae Korim & Dennis Lehmann.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Lettering has begun & Pre-Order page coming soon!
over 4 years ago – Thu, Oct 24, 2019 at 02:05:20 PM

Hi Everyone,

It's been a week since the campaign closed and it looks like almost all the funds have been gathered. So thank you once again for your generous pledges! The funds should be transferred to my account in about a week and I will send out surveys shortly after that. In the meantime, I've started lettering the pages. This is always a creatively fulfilling process, but can often take more time than I expect. Even though I wrote the script for issue 6 a while ago, I still need to tailor the dialogue and sound effects to the sequential art of the amazingly talented Jae Korim. He frequently adds his own twist to my scripts and I'm always thankful for it. This process usually requires me to be fully relaxed and 'in the zone', which can be an elusive state to achieve. I find listening to music can often help put me in the right head space, so that I can translate the emotion of the page into the dialogue appropriately. For example, I listened to the dulcet, moody vocals of Chris Cornell to get me in the right mood to add the dialogue to page one, which is a very emotionally-charged page.  See the results below and feel free to let me know what you think. I will include additional pages in my updates over the next couple weeks and and would love to receive your comments.

Pg 1 of issue 6: Deb & Jaques seek shelter with an injured Afghan girl after narrowly escaping Taliban forces.

For those of you who have been following the series, you'll know that Deb's traumatic time in Afghanistan with the Canadian Armed Forces is a sub-plot to the entire Detective series. Her sense of guilt about what happened there has given her nightmares ever since, and has been a key motivating factor in her current adventure. I won't say too much more, because I don't want to spoil it for our new readers! However, another little tidbit that might interest you all is that when I was writing about the little girl in Afghanistan, I took inspiration from the famous photo from the 1985 issue of National Geographic, which featured a hauntingly beautiful portrait of an adolescent Afghan girl. That image has stuck with me all these years and is one of the key ingredients to Deborah Daring's story. 

Portrait of Sharbat Gula, from the 1985 issue of National Geographic. Click the image to read more about her on Wikipedia.

On a different topic, I have looked into various options for supporting a post-campaign (Pre-Order) store and I've decided to go with IndieGogo InDemand. This will allow me to provide people who missed the initial Kickstarter campaign with an opportunity to purchase the Deborah Daring graphic novel, individual issues of the Detective series, plus lots of other great Vigilante Comix merchandise. So if you have friends you think would enjoy reading the Deborah Daring story, or if you're interested in buying some other great books and artwork by Vigilante Comix, stay tuned and I'll let you know when the page is live in another update, coming soon! 

Thanks to All of You!
over 4 years ago – Thu, Oct 24, 2019 at 02:02:23 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

One more day to go!
over 4 years ago – Sat, Oct 05, 2019 at 10:21:16 PM

Hi Everyone,

What can I say... this has been a FANTASTIC campaign! Thank you so much to everyone who has backed this campaign so far.  For those of you reading this who haven't, YOU'VE GOT ONE MORE DAY TO DO IT! You've got until tomorrow night to pledge (or upgrade your pledge) to get your copy of the Deborah Daring Graphic Novel and make sure you get all the best Stretch Goal Goodies!

We just unlocked the Next-Gen Deborah Daring 2020 Pinup and the next Stretch Goal up for grabs is the Vigilante Comix Fridge Magnet. Keep spreading the word and I'm sure we can unlock it!

In the spirit of cross-promotion, I want to tell you about two other great comic campaigns.

1. Grinidon: A Fantasy Graphic Novel - Vol. 4, by Jeremy Dunn. An epic saga of heroes & factions battling for control over a mysterious and newly discovered island. check out the campaign here:

2. TEMPLE High i01, by Tyrone Jackson. A 35-page action/adventure about testy high schoolers undergoing magic, superpower, and assassination training; what could go wrong? Check out the campaign here:

Stay tuned for more updates soon!

Hard Cover Stretch Goal is Unlocked!
over 4 years ago – Wed, Oct 02, 2019 at 10:53:17 AM

Yahoo! We Did it! We unlocked the Hard Cover Graphic Novel Stretch Goal!!

I really am amazed at how well this campaign has gone so far. We couldn't have asked for more supportive fans! On behalf of the creative crew here at Vigilante Comix, we THANK YOU!

However, the campaign isn't over yet! We still have 5 more days and there are a few more stretch goals to be unlocked. Next up is a 12 page sketch book showcasing the fabulous artistic talent of the creative crew here at Vigilante Comix, including Jae Korim, Hakan Aydin and yours truly, Robbie MacK! Yes, you read it right, in addition to the amazing illustrations of Jae and Hakan, you'll get to see some of my original drawings for the Deborah Daring character! So keep spreading the word and we'll unlock it, no problem!

In the spirit of cross promotion I'd like to tell you about two great comic campaigns.

First, is Amiculus: The Graphic Novel Omnibus, by Travis Horseman. An epic, over a decade in the making, Amiculus is a 'lost history' that chronicles the plight of a lone vigilante fighting against the corrupt leaders of the Roman Empire in a war for the fate of Western Civilization. In the spirit of V for Vendetta and Assassin’s Creed, this epic tale is available as a 240-page softcover graphic novel, now with an all-new 24-page chapter! Check out the campaign here:

Second up, is Celestial Falcon #1: Supernatural Superhero Comic Book, by Christopher T. DiBuduo and Brant Fowler. Gifted with an ancient power, a group of teenagers embark on a quest to vanquish a dark evil that threatens to consume the world. You can check out the campaign here:

 Stay tuned for more updates soon!

/Robbie Mack

6th Stretch Goal Unlocked... Next up is the Hardcover Graphic Novel!!!
over 4 years ago – Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 10:15:21 AM

Hi Everyone,

The hits just keep on coming with this campaign! Thanks to your generous pledges, we've unlocked the 6th stretch goal: The Evil Smiley Vigilante Comix Sticker. Next up is the stretch goal we've all been waiting for... the Hardcover Graphic Novel! Keep spreading the word online and consider upgrading if you haven't pledged for the collected print package, 'cuz you sure don't want to miss out out on the hardcover graphic novel!

In the spirit of cross-promotion, I'd like to tell you about another great new comic series. Tilt is the fourth wall-breaking, gritty, and self-aware superhero story that follows Patrick Eitilt; a homeless superhero in Boston. It chronicles the story of his past, and what pushed him into becoming the hero that he is today. Check out the Tilt #2 campaign on Kickstarter here:

Stay tuned for more updates soon!